5 Ways To Use Leftover Momos 

By Aanchal Mathur

Leftover momos tend to get stiff and chewy in texture after some time. While you can simply reheat them later to eat as is, you can also prepare some other tasty dishes from them. 

Pan Fried Momos

Pan-fried momos have a soft top layer and a crispy bottom. Simply toss the momos in a pan with some butter, add water and cook covered under steam for crispy pan-fried momos. 

Stir-Fry Momos

When you stir fry veggies with momos, it makes a perfect meal that is packed with nutrition and flavour. You can cook stir-fry momo in just ten minutes.  


Another way to use leftover momos is by turning them into a delicious soup. Mothuk is a traditional Tibetan soup that has momo pieces dipped in it.  

Momo Salad

Toss the leftover momos with boiled corn, chopped onion, tomato, lettuce, green bell, and spring onion. Add the leftover momos to it and mix. Top with lemon juice and freshly chopped coriander.

Chilli Momos

Deep fried momos tossed with chopped onion, capsicum and sauces like soy sauce, red chili sauce, and green chili sauce makes for zesty new dish.