5 Ways To Use Eggs In Salad 

By Deepali Verma

January 22, 2024

Use eggs, which are both versatile and packed with protein, to take your salad to the next level. Salads made with eggs have a unique flavour and nutritional edge thanks to these 5 inventive methods to include eggs. 

Classic Cobb Delight 

Add hard-boiled eggs to the timeless Cobb salad for a protein boost. Slice or dice them alongside avocados, bacon, tomatoes, and crumbled blue cheese, creating a hearty and satisfying meal. 

Poached Perfection 

Top your favourite mixed greens with poached eggs for a luxurious and runny yolk experience. The creamy texture blends seamlessly with the salad, turning a simple dish into a gourmet delight. 

Deviled Egg Salad 

Mash the yolk filling of deviled eggs and mix with salad leaves, cherry tomatoes, and a mild vinaigrette to make a salad. With this fresh take, you can enjoy the flavours of two traditional dishes in one delicious package. 

Egg and Avocado 

Sliced boiled eggs and avocados make a creamy, delicious combination. For a healthy and revitalising salad, combine them with rocket, cherry tomatoes and a spicy vinaigrette. 

Grilled Eggplant and Egg 

Grilled aubergine slices and sliced hard-boiled eggs can enhance the texture and flavour of your salad. Take your taste buds on a journey to the Mediterranean with a drizzle of balsamic glaze and a little fresh herbs. Enjoy a variety of salads that focus on eggs; they'll satisfy your hunger and satisfy your nutritional needs.