5 Ways To Reuse Green Tea Leaves In Cooking 

By Deepali Verma 

Green tea leaves are too good to throw out. Find creative uses for them, and you can multiply their usefulness. 

Flavour Enhancer 

Used green tea leaves add a delicate, earthy flavour to broths, grains, and soups 

Make Tea-Infused Desserts 

To add a special touch to your baked goods or frozen treats, try mixing in some ground or finely chopped used green tea leaves. 

Create Marinades 

Marinate meats or tofu in a delicious sauce made from brewed tea leaves, soy sauce, ginger, and garlic. 

Enhance Stir-Fries 

To improve stir-fries, you can add some texture and subtle tea flavour by mixing in some cooked tea leaves with the vegetable 

Green Tea Salt 

Green Tea Salt can be made by drying off used leaves, grinding them with salt, and then using the resulting salt as a seasoning.