5 Vegetable Juices To Have During Summers 

By Deepali Verma

During the summer, people lose their appetite, so a tall glass of vegetable juice will stay you hydrated and full all day even if you don't feel like eating much. 

Carrot Juice 

This is yet another seasonal vegetable, but due to its great flavour and nutritional benefits, it has emerged as one of the most versatile ingredients in sweets, soups, and beverages. 

Beetroot Juice 

Take your multigrain fresh pizza dough, and roll out it. Spread out thin layer in middle of cashew cream on the base.

Cucumber Juice 

Including cucumber in your summertime diet can help boost your immunity because it adds flavour and is a miraculous vegetable that is packed with health benefits from nature. A large glass of cucumber juice might also aid in your body's detoxification. 

Pumpkin Juice 

The health benefits of this sweet vegetable juice will make you adore it, despite the fact that it may seem strange at first. reduces blood pressure as well as gastric issues.