5 Unbelievable Side Effects Of Milk Tea

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

October 12th, 2023

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A warm cup of nicely brewed milk tea is a comfort drink. But there is something that one should know - the side effects. Here are 5 major side effects of milk tea.

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Tea contains caffeine that bloats the stomach. Add in milk and the two can promote gas production. The tannins found in tea disrupt the digestive system, causing pain and stomach aches.

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If you're anxious, this drink is a huge no-no. It can trigger the symptoms of this condition and make it worse for you to manage.

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Tea contains caffeine that can disrupt your sleep cycle and cause insomnia.

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Due to its caffeine content, tea promotes dehydration. Do not drink milk tea on an empty stomach, especially when sugar is also added.

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Due to its dehydration effects, it causes heavy headaches and it must be consumed less.

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