5 Tips To Store Coriander Leaves For Longer

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

November 2nd, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

Coriander or cilantro is a very popular herb to use in most Asian and Indian recipes. Once you buy a bunch it is difficult to use it up at once and later it spoils. If you too have faced difficulty in keeping coriander leaves fresh, these 5 tips will help you keep it fresh for longer.

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Wash Properly

Fill plenty of water in the sink, hold the bottom of the bunch, open it and swirl it in plenty of cold water to clean it and remove the dirt. Repeat until clean and then store, to keep fresher.

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Dry The Leaves

Make sure your coriander leaves are completely dry after washing. After that in a plastic or glass container place a paper towel at the bottom to line it and place the coriander with the stalk as it is. Cover it with another paper towel and it remains fresh for weeks.

Image Credit: Unsplash

Remove The Stem

Hold a bunch of coriander and move the fork through the leaves to separate the coriander leaves from the stem. Store the coriander leaves dry in between paper towels and use its stems for other dishes.

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In A Jar

Trim the roots of coriander stalk and allow to dry to remove the moisture. Now fill a small glass jar with cool water and place the bunch of coriander so that ends of the stem are submerged in the water. Keep the leaves of the coriander above the water.

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Ziplock Bag

Cover the coriander in the glass jar with a ziplock bag. Do not zip it, keep the opening of the bag loose and keep the covered jar in the fridge. Change the water every 2nd day. This will keep the coriander fresh for 1 week.

Image Credit: Unsplash