5 Tips To Store Bread And Prevent Molding

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

October 11th, 2023

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For all the joy bread brings to a table, it has a considerable weakness: A short shelf life. Here are 5 tips to store bread and prevent molding.

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Wrap In Paper

If you plan on devouring it right away, then keeping it in a paper bag on the counter is the move. While storing in plastic seems like the right idea, this actually encourages mold growth, resulting in the bread going bad much faster.

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It is a short-term solution refrigerating bread that provides a constant temperature. The cooler temperature can sometimes cause starches to crystallize.

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Divide The Loaf

Cut the bread into thirds (or however much you can typically eat before it goes bad). You can also divvy them up into slices. If storing freshly-baked bread, make sure it's completely cooled first.

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Reusable Bread Bags

Take reusable bread bags with you to the store and toss that fresh loaf right in. These can be a nice alternative to a paper bag that can get torn and always seems to let crumbs escape onto the counter.

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Bread Box

A breadbox will create an environment that balances humidity, which you want for a soft interior. And though it’s a fairly airtight container, there is air circulation, which you need to maintain a crusty crust.

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