5 Tips To Preserve Tomatoes Amid Its Soaring Prices

By Tanisha Salwan

July 4, 2023

Tomato prices are skyrocketing, and the common people are struggling to manage their kitchen budget. Amid the soaring prices, it becomes essential for us to preserve our tomatoes for a longer time, isn't it? Here are 5 tips to your rescue. TAP TO VIEW!

Freeze Them

Freezing is a convenient and simple technique to preserve tomatoes for a longer time. Frozen tomatoes can last for a few weeks.

Make A Powder

Tomato powder could be a great and versatile addition to any dish. It is easy to make and can help you preserve tomatoes.

Make Puree

Make a smooth tomato puree without seeds and skin. This puree adds right flavour to soups and gravies. 

Use Olive Oil

It is advisable to keep tomatoes in olive oil in order to preserve them for a longer period.

Pickling Tomatoes

Pickling tomatoes using vinegar, or any brine solution can help in preserving tomatoes for later use.