5 Tips To Make Perfect Makki Ki  Roti

By Aanchal Mathur

Many people struggle to make Makki Ki Roti, which is round in shape and doesn't tear on the edges. Here are few tips that will help you ace Makki Ki Roti at home.    

Simmer flour in water

Before kneading the dough, heat the flour in simmering water in a pan. Keep stirring, then cover the lid and let the steam build-up. Knead the flour now to make it soft. 

Lukewarm water

Alternatively, you can simply use lukewarm water to knead the dough and make it soft. But make sure to add water gradually, not all at once.  

Roll dough lightly

When making roundels out of the dough, roll each roundel with very light pressure. It may take some time but it will be worth it for smooth rotis.   

Lift roti carefully

Make sure to lift the roti carefully while putting it on the tawa to cook. There are chances of it breaking. 

Cook with patience

While cooking on tawa, let one side cook till crispy before flipping. If the roti is a little crispy, there is less chance of it tearing apart.