5 Tips To Make Perfect Grilled Sandwich At Home

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

October 8th, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

A sandwich by itself is a comfort food, and when it's grilled, it tastes even more delicious. Crispy from the outside and stuffed with different fillings inside, it instantly transports us to heaven as we take the first bite. Here are 5 tips to make the perfect grilled sandwich at home.

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Right Bread

To make the perfect grilled sandwich, you must use the right type of bread. Avoid using bread slices that are too thin or thick, as they won't be able to hold all the ingredients properly and feel dry. Use ones that are broad in size with medium thickness.

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Apply Butter

Before you grill your sandwich, make sure to brush a generous amount of butter on its outer crust. This helps add a nice crunch.

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Minimal Toppings

Adding too many things makes the sandwich fall apart once you bite into it. A maximum of 3 to 4 toppings is ideal.

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Layer In Order

Always apply the sauce or any other spread that you wish to use first. Next comes the protein (if using any), followed by cheese, and then veggies and additional ingredients. This way, everything stays in place.

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Rest Time

Allow your grilled sandwich to rest for a few minutes once it is done. This allows all the ingredients and sauces to settle in. Cutting it right after it's cooked can make it difficult to cut.

Image Credit: Unsplash