5 Tips To Keep The Pickles Stay Fresh Even During Monsoons 

By Deepali Verma

Pickles need to be stored carefully throughout the monsoon season to maintain their flavour and integrity. Here are several tried-and-true methods for preserving pickles through the rainy months. 

Use Dry and Clean Containers 

Pickle storage containers should be spotless and dry before being used. Water causes food to become bad. 

Use Airtight Containers 

Choose jars and containers with tight seals to keep out air and moisture. This aids in keeping the pickles' original flavour and consistency. 

Use Clean and Dry Spoons 

When extracting pickles from a jar, use only dry, clean spoons. Pickles can go bad if they are exposed to moisture from filthy utensils. 

Store in Small Batches 

Keep your pickle in smaller containers if you have a lot of it. Since the jar will be opened less frequently, spoiling is reduced. 

Store in Small Batches 

Keep your pickle in smaller containers if you have a lot of it. Since the jar will be opened less frequently, spoiling is reduced.