5 Tips To Combat Cold After An Ice Cream

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

September 14th, 2023

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Ice creams are a dessert that can't be easily refused. Be it summer or winter, the craving for ice cream is one that only gets stronger. People often believe ice cream causes cold. But the truth is, cold and any other sickness is caused by germs. And ice creams, being sugar suppliers, are what the germs feed on to be active so they may not cause cold but they definitely aggravate it. Here are 5 tips to prevent the post ice cream cold!

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Lukewarm Water

Drinking warm water after ice cream reduces the intensity of cold getting enhanced. The sugar crystals from the ice cream get washed off from the teeth and cavities and it soothes the throat.

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Cinnamon Water

Add a twist to the lukewarm water solution with cinnamon water. Cinnamon clears the mucus and hence it will avoid building the extra layers of mucus.

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Basic Sugar-Less Ice Creams

You can try non-dairy frozen desserts such as Sorbet, as an alternative, when the craving really hits. Ice creams cookie bits, nuts, extra syrups, lots of cream, fudge sauces, candy toppings should be avoided due to the sugar aggravating the cold.

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Ice Cream Brand

It could be possible that the brand you eat may be the causal to falling sick after it. Try switching brands to trusted ones and following the lukewarm water remedy.

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Peak Sunny Hours

Try having ice creams in the noon, when it's sunny and not in the evening or in the morning. This would help to prevent you from getting sick.

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