5 Things That Can Get Garlicky Smell Off Your Hands

By Ujjainee Roy

October 19, 2024

Cooking with garlic can enhance the flavor of almost any dish, but the pungent aroma it leaves on your hands can be hard to get rid of. The compounds in garlic responsible for its strong smell, mainly sulfur compounds, tend to linger on the skin even after washing with soap. Fortunately, there are a few effective ways to neutralize the odor. Here are six tried-and-tested methods to help remove that stubborn garlicky scent from your hands.

Stainless steel

Believe it or not, rubbing your hands on stainless steel can help neutralize the garlic smell. Stainless steel reacts with the sulfur compounds in garlic, breaking down the molecules responsible for the odor. You can use a stainless steel spoon, faucet, or even a designated "stainless steel soap bar" designed for this purpose.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is an effective natural deodorizer that can help eliminate garlic odor. The acidity of the lemon helps neutralize the smell, and the fresh citrus scent masks any lingering traces of garlic. Squeeze a bit of lemon juice onto your hands, rub them together thoroughly, and rinse off with water.

Baking soda and water

Baking soda is a versatile kitchen staple that can absorb and neutralize odors, including garlic. Make a paste by mixing baking soda with a little water, then rub it over your hands, focusing on areas where the smell is strongest. After a minute or two, rinse off the paste. This method not only removes the odor but also gently exfoliates your skin.


Like lemon juice, vinegar is acidic and can break down the compounds in garlic that cause the lingering smell. Splash a bit of white or apple cider vinegar onto your hands and rub them together. Rinse thoroughly with water afterward. The strong vinegar scent will dissipate quickly, leaving your hands smelling fresh

Salt and olive oil scrub

This combination works as both a natural deodorizer and exfoliant. The coarse texture of the salt helps scrub away any garlic residue, while the olive oil moisturizes your hands. Mix equal parts of salt and olive oil, rub the mixture onto your hands, and then rinse it off with warm water and soap