5 Spices That Go Into Making Panch Phoron

By Team Editorial

Panch phoran, Panch masala, Padkaune masala, or Panch phutana are various names for the same assortment of five aromatic spices from Eastern Indian cuisine. 

Cumin Seeds

Cumin seeds’ flavours and aromas become more pronounced when they are roasted or fried, and their presence is quite noticeable in any cuisine.

Nigella Seeds (Kalonji)

Cumin seeds’ flavours and aromas become more pronounced when they are roasted or fried, and their presence is quite noticeable in any cuisine.

Wild Celery Seeds (Radhuni)

These little seeds do resemble carom or ajwain seeds, but they are very different to carom seeds in terms of colour, flavour, and aroma.

Fennel Seeds (Saunf)

Fennel seeds leave a strong taste in any dish they are added to. Both the fragrance and the sweet flavour elevate the taste of the dish. 

Aromatic fenugreek seeds are tiny, yet incredibly powerful and bitter. These are lentils, not seeds, and they are a type of legume plant.

Fenugreek Seeds (Methi Seeds)