5 Simple Reasons Why NOT To Skip Breakfast

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

September 9th, 2023

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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There's a reason (or 5) that people and professionals say that. If you skip breakfast or don't have it on a regular basis, here are 6 benefits of having breakfast that may change your mind.

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Waking up after 8-10 hours of sleep with an empty stomach can be stressful. Breakfast replenishes the energy you lost and keeps your tummy full at least until lunch.

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Breakfast provides a lot of your day’s total nutrient intake. People who eat breakfast are more likely to meet their recommended daily intakes of vitamins and minerals than people who don’t.

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Controls Weight

Breakfast prevents large fluctuations in your blood glucose levels, helping you to control your appetite and keeps you full until the next meal, preventing unnecessary snacking and increase in weight.

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Brain Power

Without breakfast, the brain feels sluggish and can't concentrate since it hasn't received the necessary glucose. Breakfast boosts brain power.

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Better Food Choices

Breakfast helps people make better food choices throughout the day. Functioning on a full stomach is healthier than on an empty stomach.

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