5 Rookie Mistakes To Avoid While Baking Your Cake 

By Jasmine Kaur

If you’re an amateur at baking, you need to get some basic training as to which ingredients are essential and in what proportions. 

A fair knowledge of the baking tools is also very important. However, as a beginner, you might make some mistakes and here are some that you should avoid. 


Add cold ingredients, right out of the fridge won’t result in an airy cake. Keeping emulsion in mind, make sure to add room temperature butter, eggs etc. 


Before beginning the process, you should know how much of butter, egg yolk or baking soda goes into making a cake. Irregular measurements will not give you the desired results. 

Oven Temperature 

While setting the oven to the right temperature is important, it is essential to avoid opening it again and again because that will release hot air and lower the oven’s temperature. 

Leavening Agents 

Using old packets of baking soda or powder can result in a non-airy cake. So make sure to check the expiration and discard them after a few months. 

Greasing The Tin 

Over or under-greasing the tin can be a rookie mistake. To avoid, make sure to check how to grease for a particular baked dish, like sides for a brownie, bottom for sponge cakes etc.