white cheese on white textile

5 Reasons Why You Should Prefer Homemade White Butter

By Garima Johar

March 15, 2024

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soup in black ceramic bowl

Butter is a mandatory add-on, be it on top of paranthas for breakfast or garnishing dal makhani. Indian dishes can be elevated with butter. But here’s why you should choose homemade white butter instead of commercial yellow butter.

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No Preservatives

The packaged yellow butter is filled with additives and preservatives. On the other hand, homemade white butter is safe and pure.

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More Nutrients

As compared to yellow butter, white butter made by churning milk is rich in vitamins A, D, and E, which are important for maintaining good health.

white ceramic bowl with white chips

Boosts Digestion

White butter that’s prepared at home is gentler for your gut, and it is even suitable for lactose-intolerant people.

bread on white ceramic plate

Contains Healthy Fats

White butter contains saturated and monosaturated fats that help to provide energy, support the growth of cells, and maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

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Benefits Skin

Rich in vitamin E, white butter acts as an antioxidant that helps promote glowing and healthy skin.

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