5 Reasons Why You Should Not Store Boiled Potatoes In The Refrigerator

By Yash Lakhan

December 10th, 2023

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A refrigerator is the first place we go to when we need to store something for later but it isn't always the best choice when it comes to certain foods. Storing your boiled potatoes in your refrigerator may not be a great idea as it greatly affects your food.

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Altered Flavour

The cold temperature neutralises the flavours and results in less appetising and bland potatoes.

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Change In Texture

The cold temperature leads the starch in potatoes to take a crystallised form.

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Hinders Nutritional Profile

The lower temperatures disrupt many nutrients in potatoes like vitamin C.

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Acrylamide Levels

Acrylamide is a harmful chemical that forms when potatoes are boiled or roasted. Therefore, if you store them, you will need to reheat them again. Thus, increasing the formation of acrylamide.

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May Lead To Spoilage

Cold temperature also causes the starches to convert into sugars. It causes an unpleasant sweet taste.

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