5 Quick Tips To Make Soft  Brownies

By Aanchal Mathur

One bite of a decadent brownie can lift your spirits. So Bookmark these tips and tricks to make one at home.

Avoid overmixing the batter

If you mix the batter too much, air gets incorporated in the batter, making it light and fluffy. However, the denser the batter, the moist brownies will be.  

Use good quality ingredients

The quality of all the ingredients is of prime importance. A good quality cocoa powder and chocolate can turn your brownie game around.

Go for medium-sized tin

Your brownie tin should be medium size so that the batter can spread uniformly

Right type of tin

A light-coloured metal tin instead of dark ones is recommended, as a dark tin can result in over-baked brownies.

Avoid over-baking

Keep checking on your brownies every 15-20 minutes. An undercooked brownie is a better option than an overbaked one.