By Niveditha Kalyanaraman
Aug 30, 2023
Image Credit: Pexels
Image Credit: Pexels
When you're hungry and want a quick snack, these are the options you need. Quick and easy to make, they'll fill your tummy before you get hungry!
Image Credit: Unsplash
Flattened bread and a dash of spices, this is a classic timesaving snack that is filling and healthy.
Image Credit: Unsplash
Bread, garnishing of vegetables and your favourite toppings, this is a favourite of children and adults alike. It is healthy and easy to make.
Image Credit: Unsplash
Bread is a versatile ingredient, and this tasty toast proves it. A healthy snack option, this dish is filling and is very easy to make.
Image Credit: Unsplash
Eggs and bread are a delicious combo, proved by this classic dish. Light and easy to make, it leaves you full and happy.
Image Credit: Unsplash
Add tomatoes, onions, coriander and even potatoes to this delicious snack that takes very few minutes to make. But rest assured, its taste lingers long.
Image Credit: Unsplash