5 Indian Super Grains To Supercharge Your Day

By Shireen Jamooji

Nature’s own health food, here are some local options you should stock up on.

Starchy and filling, it breaks down slowly for more energy and curbs your appetite.

Bajra (Pearl Millet)

Bajra (Pearl Millet)

It’s high in potassium but low in cholesterol making it perfect for diabetics and for weight loss.

Jau (Barley)

Jau (Barley)

Protein-packed and full of vitamin A, B, Calcium and fibre, its antioxidant properties are great for a cleanse.

Jowar (Sorghum)

Jowar (Sorghum)

With a huge concentration of calcium and vitamins Ragi can give you super strong bones.

Ragi  (Finger Millet)

Ragi  (Finger Millet)

This gluten-free powerhouse is high in vitamin C and helps in healing the body and boosting cell regeneration.

Ramdana (Amaranth)

Ramdana (Amaranth)