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5 Incredible Benefits Of Tandoori Cooking

By Yash Lakhan

May 6, 2024

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Tandoori is a type of Indian cooking technique that makes use of high-intensity heat to cook food inside a clay oven known as a tandoor. This method is used to make popular dishes like Tandoori Chicken, Tandoori Naan, and more. But apart from this, this style of cooking is also quite beneficial for your health due to many reasons.

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Oil-Free Cooking

Tandoori cuisine stands as one of those cooking methods that doesn't employ oil in its cooking. This makes tandoori cuisine a healthy alternative with the right ingredients to deal with.


Low Maintenance

Metal skewers are the only part where you need to maintain hygiene, as food is kept over them. For the rest, only charcoal needs to be replaced from time to time.


Chemical-Free Cooking

It is a natural way of cooking, as it doesn't require any fuel or gas, making it free of chemicals.

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Nutrients Are Preserved

Since it uses natural heat without the use of chemicals, the food retains most of its nutrients.

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Exceptional Flavour

Tandoor provides an exceptional smoky flavour that is possible only due to the direct heat from the charcoal.

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