5 Healthy Eating Habits For Pain-Free Menstrual Cycle  

By Nikita Toppo

A healthy menstrual cycle is very important for a woman's overall well-being. So, here are five eating habits that can help you reduce uncomfortable symptoms during menstruation:

Follow Nutrient-Rich Diet

Consume seasonal fruits, green vegetables, whole grains and nuts to ease the symptoms and aid hormonal balance.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water helps maintain proper blood flow and reduce bloating.  Also, add hydrating foods to your diet like cucumbers and watermelons.

Consume Iron-Rich Foods

Women lose a lot of blood during periods, which can cause problems like fatigue so, incorporate iron-rich foods like meat, beans, lentils and fortified cereals to your diet.

Limit Refined Sugars & Caffeine Intake

Minimise consumption of sugary snacks and caffeine beverages, as they can affect blood sugar balance, which can have a negative impact on hormonal balance.

Avoid Processed Food

Foods containing chemicals and preservatives, like canned foods and heavily processed meat, can cause inflammation and worsen bloating and water retention during periods.