5 Hacks To Churn Out The Perfect Ice Creams This Summer

By Shreya Goswami

Making ice cream at home isn’t the most difficult thing in the world if you get the science behind it right. Here are some tips that will help you make the best ice cream at home.

Pick The Best

Buy the best-quality milk, cream, eggs, chocolate, flavourings like vanilla beans and sugar to make the perfect ice cream.

Forget Low-Fat Diets

The best ice creams in the world have a high-fat content, so get full-fat ingredients instead of low-fat ones.

The Right Equipment

An ice cream machine isn’t compulsory, but do get a good churner or stand mixer along with measuring tools, bowls, etc.

Chill The Custard

It’s very important that the ice cream base or custard is cooled down and chilled in the freezer before going into the churner.

Know When To Flavour

Add the flavourings like vanilla, extracts and alcohol after the ice cream base has cooled down completely.