5 Delicious Gujarati Snacks To Enjoy

By Risha Ganguly

Gujarat has a reputation for giving us some of our favourite snacks. The plethora of snacking options is a bottomless barrel of pure joy. Let us look at a few Gujarati snacks that are unanimously loved.


Made with whole-wheat and chickpea flour, thepla is one of the most popular snacks. It can be a great breakfast option, amazing travel food and makes for a great snack with a hot cup of tea.


This spicy deep-fried snack is extremely popular in both Gujarat and Maharashtra, with the former being usually credited for its origin. It is made with gram flour and has coconut, poppy and sesame seeds. 


 This thin, papad-like cracker is as popular everywhere else in India as it is in Gujarat. Besides being delicious and light, khakhra is also healthy and low on calories. It has a long shelf life.


The term muthia has been derived from mutthi, which means a closed fist. They are kind of Indian dumplings and can be both, steamed and fried. Muthia is vegan too.


One of the lesser known but equally taste snacks from the Gujarati cuisine is Dhebra. It is often confused with thepla but dhebra is fried and made with bajra or jowar flour instead of whole wheat.