5 Fruits For Strong Bones You Must Include In Your Diet

By Aanchal Mathur

Yes, there are natural ways to strengthen your bones besides prescribed medications. Here are certain fruits that can help support the bones. 


Replete with vitamins and minerals like vitamin B6, C, potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese, and fibre, bananas are known to be incredible for bone health.


This pulpy summer fruit is incredibly rich in vitamin C that can help strengthen bones and also work wonders for your immunity and skin health. 


One fruit that you can find all year round, apples boast of calcium, which ultimately is the building blocks of bones. 


Deep red tomatoes are replete with essential nutrients, including vitamin K, calcium and lycopene that not just strengthen the bones but also repair them and improve bone mass.  


Pineapple is enriched with potassium, which neutralize the acid load, reducing the calcium loss. The vitamin A and calcium in it strengthens the bones.