5 Fruit Peels That Shouldn't Be Thrown Away

By Tanisha Salwan

We all know that fruits are highly beneficial for our body but what if we tell you that some fruit peels are even healthier? Have a look at 5 fruit peels that you shouldn't throw away.  PS: Make sure you clean the peels properly

Apple Peels

Apple peels contain vitamin E and vitamin K. It can help in weight loss.

Kiwi Peels

Kiwi peels are loaded with fiber and has a lot of vitamin and mineral content.

Banana Peels

Banana peels have high content of antioxidants and also contain lutein.

Watermelon Rinds

Watermelon rinds are high in antioixidants and fiber content.

Mango Peels

As per some studies, mango peels have high flavonoids, carotenoids than the flesh.