5 Food You Must Avoid During Winter

By Nikita Toppo

Winters are a tempting season that offers a big variety of seasonal food options. But we need to keep a check on what we are eating in order to stay healthy. Here is the list of foods and drinks you must avoid during this season.

Cold Food

Having chilled drinks and cold foods can lower the body's defense system, as the body has to work twice as hard to bring them up to ideal temperature.

Dairy Products

Dairy products, especially cold ones, are not considered healthy winter foods as they can make you more prone to catching a cold.

Caffeinated Drinks

Coffee, energy drinks and other caffeinated drinks can cause dehydration which increases dryness in the throat, causing congestion and breathing difficulties.

Raw Vegetables

It is always advised to stick to the seasonal veggies during winter but make sure they are cooked properly, as raw vegetables can cause indigestion.

Sugary And Fried Food

Avoid candies, sweetened beverages and oily food as they can cause inflammation and weaken the immunity of the body.