5 Flaxseed And Chia Seed Dishes That Are Desserts

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

October 15th, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

Just one spoonful of either of these seeds comes stocked with nutrients. Flaxseeds are higher in antioxidants than blueberries, and chia seeds are a great source of fiber and protein. But downing a spoonful of dry seeds doesn’t exactly sound appetizing. Here are 5 flaxseed and chia seeds dishes that are desserts!

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Mix chia seeds with vanilla extract and top it with fruits for a healthy, wholesome dessert.

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Add a spoonful of both of these seeds to your oats for a wholesome dish you'll crave more of.

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Weight loss friendly crackers are the next big thing! Make some with these seeds for a fibre-rich dessert.

Image Credit: theironyou

Energy Balls

A portable and healthy dessert option that combines these seeds with honey.

Image Credit: thehealthyfamilyandhome

Protein Pancakes

Get a satiating protein punch in this dessert that combines the seeds in the flour.

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