5 Efficient Ways To Clean Wooden Spoons And Utensils

By Ujjainee Roy

September 27, 2024

Wooden spoons are cherished in kitchens around the world for their rustic charm and functionality. However, their porous nature means they can easily absorb moisture, flavors, and odors from the foods they encounter. Over time, neglecting proper cleaning can lead to the growth of bacteria or the development of unpleasant smells. Regular maintenance is essential not only for hygiene but also for preserving the integrity and longevity of the wood.

Hot, soapy water

he most straightforward method to clean wooden spoons involves using hot soapy water. A mixture of warm water and mild dish soap can effectively remove food residues and grease. Gently scrubbing with a soft sponge prevents damage to the wood while ensuring a thorough clean

Baking soda paste

For those tougher stains and lingering odors, a baking soda paste offers a natural solution. Mixing baking soda with a little water creates an abrasive yet gentle scrub that can tackle grime without harming the wood. As baking soda is a natural deodorizer, it helps neutralize unwanted smells effectively.

Vinegar solution

A vinegar solution serves as another excellent option for cleaning wooden spoons, thanks to its natural disinfecting properties. By soaking the spoons in a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water, you can effectively eliminate bacteria and odors. 

Lemon juice and salt

The combination of lemon juice and salt not only cleans but also adds a pleasant scent to your wooden spoons. The acidity of lemon helps cut through grease and lift stains, while the coarse salt acts as an abrasive agent for scrubbing. This method is not only effective but also leaves a refreshing citrus aroma.

Olive oil

After cleaning, conditioning wooden spoons with food-grade mineral oil or olive oil can enhance their longevity. Applying a small amount of oil with a soft cloth nourishes the wood, preventing it from drying out and cracking