5 Edible Seeds To Add To Your Diet

By Rittwik Naskar

Seeds are extremely nutritious and when consumed as a part of a healthy diet, they can help reduce bad cholesterol, high blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. Here are 5 seeds that you can add to your daily diet.

A good source of dietary fibre, flaxseeds aid digestive health, relieves constipation and reduces bad cholesterol, therefore, preventing the risk of heart diseases.


Rich in vitamins and essential minerals, pumpkin seeds strengthen the immune system, and also helps in the faster healing of bodily wounds.

Pumpkin Seeds

Packed with antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, sunflower seeds help curb the growth of free radicals in our bodies caused by pollutants.

Sunflower Seeds

Consuming sesame seeds help in reducing bad cholesterol levels and also aids patients with type 2 diabetes to achieve a steady blood sugar level.

Sesame Seeds

A rich source of protein and healthy fats, hemp seeds help relieve joint pains, improve skin conditions and support heart health.

Hemp Seeds