5 Easy Ways To Include Oats In Your Diet 

By Aanchal Mathur

A superfood enriched with health benefits, oats are mostly eaten in the morning meal as rolled oats or oatmeal. Here are 5 ways to include oats in your diet.

Oats Porridge

A wholesome porridge that can be made quickly with just a combination of oats, water or milk. 

Oats Smoothie

Creamy oatmeal smoothie with peanut butter and banana, this vegan smoothie is enriched with fibre, protein, and healthy fats.

Oats Pancakes

Oats combined with carrots, onion, cabbage, chillies and capsicum makes for a wholesome meal of pancakes that are too delicious to resist. 

Oats Khichdi

Your classic khichdi, only made without rice but uses oats instead along with a few veggies, moong dal and spices. 

Oatmeal Soup

A quick and inexpensive soup recipe you can make with simplest of ingredients - rolled oats added to canned tomatoes, chopped onion, and crushed garlic.