5 Easy And Handy Tips To Spot Fresh Eggs

By Aishwarya Sahasrabudhe

July 28, 2023

Bakers, chefs and confectioners often caution the amateur home cook against using stale eggs that can affect the flavour of the entire dish. Here are some handy tips to check if the eggs you are using are fresh.

Float Test

Set the egg in a bucket or a bowl full of water. If it floats up to the surface, it is stale. If it sinks, the egg is fresh.

Sniff Test

Eggs that have gone stale will give off a distinctly rancid, unmistakable smell that will be hard to ignore.

Check Egg Whites

Before adding them to cake, crack the egg in a separate bowl and inspect the egg whites. If they are slightly opaque and sticky, the egg is fresh.

Inspect Visually

When the egg is still in its shell, check if the outer layer appears powdery or slimy which might indicate a growth of bacteria or mold inside the egg.

Check For Blood Specks

On cracking open the egg, look closely at the egg yolk. If brown or red spots are visible in the egg, it has gone bad. Toss this egg out and wash the container thoroughly.