5 Drinks That Taste Good Both Hot And Cold!

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

September 1st, 2023

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Drinks have both a warming and cooling effect on our bodies. Some drinks are versatile, they can be drank both hot and cold. Here are 5 drinks that taste good both hot and cold!

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Tea tastes great, hot and cold. Hot tea with ingredients like ginger and lemon help clear your throat while cold tea helps you stay cool.

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Coffee is a staple favourite in both its hot and cold versions. Hot coffee is often a breakfast choice while cold coffee is a lifestyle preference to be cool.

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Chocolate/ Cocoa

Chocolates are versatile foods that taste great when hot and definitely cold. Hot chocolate is a winter delicacy while cold chocolate is, well, the classic favourite version of it.

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Milk is a regular beverage that is had both hot and cold. Hot milk with turmeric and honey is the best solution to sleeplessness and a sore throat while cold milk with addition of fruits is often transformed into milkshakes.

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Traditionally, lemonades are a cold drink to beat the summer waves. But when hot and dabbed with honey, they are excellent cures to sore throat.

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