5 Beverages That Don't Stain Your Teeth

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

October 5th, 2023

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When it comes to beverages that help you maintain a healthy, stain-free smile, water is the best. But water can get boring after a point. Worry not! Here are 5 beverages, apart from water, that don't stain your teeth.

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White Tea

While green and black varieties offer antioxidant powers, they may still lead to stains. White tea is a better option for the teeth and your body. While it is derived from the same plant as green tea, it goes through minimal processing and is less likely to stain.

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Milk is a great drink for oral health for many reasons. It is full of calcium, which the teeth need to remain strong. It is light in color and not acidic, so on its own, it won't lead to stains.

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Herbal Tea

Herbal teas owe their aroma, nutrition and soothing consistency to the herbs they're made of and don't stain your teeth.

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Rooibos Herbal Tea

This tea alternative is so popular and commonly known because it almost has a coffee-like flavor. It has a nutty flavor and doesn’t have the teeth staining ingredients like coffee does.

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Yerba Mate

Yerba Mate is tasty and provides that kick of caffeine people all love and need. It is a tea drink that is packed with natural antioxidants and caffeine, which doesn’t do much damage to your teeth.

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