4 Easy Tips To Store And Cook Frozen Food

By Aanchal Mathur

Frozen food has become more of a necessity today than just convenience. However, have you ever thought about the right way to store and cook frozen foods? We’ve got you covered. 

Temperature control

Make sure to keep your frozen items at -18 degrees or lower. Chilled food on the other hand needs to be stored between 0-4 degrees while in the fridge.  

Cooking methods

Some frozen foods need to be cooked directly from their frozen state, while others need to be defrosted first. It is essential to read instructions given on the pack. 

Buying and storage

To make sure your frozen food doesn’t start to defrost or thaw, buy it at the end of your shopping trip. While placing it in the freezer, do not allow the food to be in direct contact with the ice.  

Skip the preservatives

Frozen food items can be devoid of preservatives, and yet remain fit for consumption for a long time. Since freezing is a natural preservation technique, it keeps both the nutrients and the  taste intact.