12 Vodka Facts That Will Leave You Surprised

By Ranita Ray

Vodka, one of the world's most consumed alcoholic drinks, has been distilled and consumed by humans for hundreds of years. While most people are familiar with the drink, many unknown facts about vodka may surprise you.  Here are 12 facts about vodka that you may not know.

An Old Spirit

Vodka may have originated in Poland or Russia in the 8th or 9th century. No one knows where or when vodka first appeared, but by the 14th century, it was already a popular drink in Russia.

Origin Tale

Legend has it that in the 1430s, a monk called Isidore at Moscow's Chudov Monastery created the original Russian vodka recipe.

Use As Medicine

Originally, vodka was used therapeutically and was believed to have healing properties. It wasn't until the 16th century that vodka became a popular drink.


Vodka, Russia's national drink, is integral to Russian culture. Russians drink it to reduce social inhibitions and call for camaraderie, known as dusha-dushe means soul-to-soul.

No Cocktail Allowed

Russia detests mixing vodka with anything else, and it counts as waste. Only blending with beer is accepted, which results in fearful yorsh.

Raw Ingredients

Vodka is made from various ingredients, including grains, potatoes, and grapes. The type of ingredient used can affect the taste and texture of the vodka.

Multiple Distillation

Vodka is typically distilled multiple times to remove impurities and increase its alcohol content. The more times it is distilled, the smoother the vodka will be.

Warming Character

Vodka is a popular drink in cold climates due to its warming properties. It is often consumed straight and at room temperature in these regions.

Helps In Digestion

Vodka is often consumed with food in Russia and other Eastern European countries. It is believed to enhance the food's flavour and aid digestion.

Culinary Use

Vodka is often used in cooking to add flavour to dishes such as pasta sauces and marinades.

Adaptable Booze

Vodka is a clear, colourless liquid. The hue of vodka can be altered by adding flavourings or other ingredients.

Celeb Status

Vodka is a popular drink among celebrities. Many famous people, including Diddy, Dan Aykroyd, and Justin Timberlake, have their own vodka brands.