10 Ways Ice Apple Can Beat The Heat This Summer

By Ranita Ray

PC: tropicalfruitsusa.com

In the summer, people love to munch on tender palmyra palm fruit, also called ice apple. It is known as 'tadgola,' 'taal saas,' 'nungu,' and'munjaal' among Indians, each derived from a different region. This summer, the humble ice apple is the perfect healthy treat.  Several benefits come from eating ice apples, especially in summer

Maintains Fluid Balance

 During the summer, dehydration is common. One of the most desirable qualities of the ice apple is its ability to quell a hot body and replenish lost fluids.

Thirst Quencher

Thirst is common in summer's heat. Water and water-rich meals are recommended for good health. Salt and potassium minerals in the ice apple help regulate fluids and quench thirst.

Improves Digestion

Ice apples are claimed to cure nausea, bloating, and constipation. This fruit's plant-based ingredients are useful for treating gastrointestinal problems.

Supports Liver Health

Summer heat may upset the stomach. Ice apples' potassium concentration is one of their primary health advantages. Thus, it can treat hepatic disorders.

Detoxifies Body

The detoxifying properties of the ice apple include the elimination of toxins. It indicates it might be a viable choice for people needing a liver detox.

PC: tropicalfruitsusa.com

Benfits The Skin

Antioxidants are abundant in ice apples. Rashes are common in summer. The skin can be soothed by rubbing an icy apple peel over it.

Prevents Heat Stroke

Make ice apples a regular part of your diet to prevent heat strokes. The high water content aids in maintaining hydration levels in the body.

Boosts Immunity

Because of the change of seasons, our immune systems are compromised. An ice apple's immune-boosting potential is significant.

Relieves Exhaustion

Summertime fatigue is expected because of increased perspiration. The ice apple is the most effective anti-fatigue remedy.

Reduces Body Heat

Ice apple is beneficial in the summer when it helps keep the body's temperature down. Acne caused by excessive heat is alleviated.