10 Veggies You Must Have During Summers

By Tanisha Salwan


Cucumber has high water content and can keep the body hydrated in scorching heat.

Bottle Gourd

Bottle gourd, along with having good water content has calcium which is good for bones.


Tomatoes can keep you hydrated and also has vitamin C and other minerals.

Bitter Gourd

This vegetable may not be your favourite but is beneficial. It can aid digestion and tackle body in extreme summers.


Mushrooms abundantly grow in summers and are a good source of minerals.

Green Beans

Green beans are a must have in summers because they are light and rich in fiber.


Pumpkins are rich in vitamin A and can keep the body cool. It can also prevent heart diseases.


Eggplants or brinjals should be eaten in summers. They are high in fiber and also good for gut health.


Capsicum is rich in vitamins and minerals. It should be added to your summer diet.


Zucchini also has low water content. It is low in calories and could be beneficial in summers.