10 Unhealthy Food Combinations You Should Avoid

By Shireen Jamooji

Your diet plays a crucial role in your overall health and well-being. Certain food combinations can have a negative impact on your digestion and lead to discomfort and health issues.  Let's explore 10 food combinations that you might want to avoid for better health and digestion.

Fruit And Dairy

Combining fruits with dairy products can interfere with digestion and lead to bloating and gas.

Potatoes And Protein

Eating starchy foods such as potatoes, rice, or bread with protein-rich foods like meat, fish, or beans can cause digestive issues. Try to separate these two food groups by eating them at different meals.

Fruits And Fats

Fruits are easily digestible, while high-fat foods like cheese, nuts, and fatty meats take longer to digest. Eating them together can cause discomfort, so avoid pairing them.

Citrus And Coffee

 Citrus fruits and caffeine both increase acid production in the stomach. Drinking coffee or tea with orange juice, for example, can lead to acid reflux and other digestive problems.

Fats And Sodas

Combining fatty foods with carbonated drinks can cause bloating and indigestion. Avoid drinking soda or carbonated water with your high-fat meals.

Alcohol And Sugar

Mixing alcohol with sugary drinks like soda or fruit juice can increase your risk of dehydration and other health problems. Drink water or seltzer instead.

Dairy And Meat

Dairy products contain calcium, which can interfere with the absorption of iron from meat. Avoid eating cheese or yogurt with meat-based meals.

Acid And Spice

Eating acidic foods like tomatoes or citrus fruits with spicy foods can cause acid reflux and heartburn. Try to separate these two types of foods into different meals.

Bread And Pasta

 Eating bread with pasta or other carbohydrate-rich dishes can cause blood sugar spikes and crashes, leading to feelings of fatigue and sluggishness.

Melons And Other Fruit

Melons are a fast-digesting fruit and can cause fermentation in the stomach when combined with other fruits, leading to gas and bloating.

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