10 Types Of Green Teas For  You To Try

By Vidushi Singh 

Green tea is a partner in every household there are various types of green tea, with different types and nutrients. Here is a list of 10 types of green tea.

1. Sencha

Sweet and light, Prepared by brewing green tea in hot water. This tea is Rich in Vitamin C can control common cold.

2. Matcha

Best quality leaves are used in this, dried and made into a fine bright green powder. Helps in rejuvenating healthy skin & cleaning the body.

3. Shincha

The leaves are aromatic and refreshing, less bitter in taste with higher content of amino acids. It’s sweet and tasty.

4. Bancha

It’s rough and super bitter due to Fluoride and is less aromatic. Effective to treat tooth decay and bad breath.

5. Gyokuro

Best trading green tea, with sweet and mild flavour due to amino acid. contains a lot of caffeine. Chlorophyll is also present which helps in tissue growth.

6. Kukicha

Also known as twig tea available in brown and yellow colour. Contains stems and stalks, it’s super refreshing with a mild taste.

7. Tencha

Best tea for boosting metabolism and increasing energy as they are rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Rich in natural caffeine too.

8. Konacha

With many health benefits, contains yea buds, small bits of tea has a nice taste and improves body function.

9. Funmatsucha

Popular for its reasonable price and bitter taste. Full with antioxidants Super great to control headache and common cold.

10. Fukamushicha

With rich fragrance this tea is refreshing with a mild  sweet taste. Can be consumed in lager amounts. Good for digestion.