10 Reasons Why You Should Include Chia Seeds In Your Diet 

By Vidushi Singh

Chia seeds are small, black or white seeds that are a powerhouse of nutrients. They are rich in fibre, protein and omega 3 fatty acids.

High in fibre

Dietary fibre, which can help control bowel motions and improve digestive health, is abundant in chia seeds.

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids

One of the best plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for heart and brain health, is chia seeds.

High in antioxidants

Antioxidants included in chia seeds can help shield your cells from the harm that free radicals can do.

 Low in calories

Chia seeds are a fantastic addition to a diet for losing weight because they are a relatively low-calorie food.

 High in protein

Plant-based protein, which is essential for constructing and repairing tissues, is found in abundance in chia seeds.

Good source of calcium

Calcium, which is necessary for healthy bones and teeth, is present in good amounts in chia seeds.

 High in iron

Iron, which is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, can be found in good amounts in chia seeds.


Chia seeds are simple to incorporate into your diet in a number of different ways, such as by mixing them into yoghurt, muesli or smoothies.

May help reduce inflammation

Chronic diseases can be avoided by consuming chia seeds, which contain substances that may assist the body reduce inflammation.

May help regulate blood sugar

As they digest slowly and have a low glycemic index, chia seeds can help control blood sugar levels.