10 Natural Immunity Boosters To Have This Summer

By Tanisha Salwan


Power packed with vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium and other minerals, watermelon reduces oxidative stress.

Ash Gourd Juice

Ash Gourd juice could be a miracle drink for health. It helps in detoxification and boosting immunity.


Loaded with the goodness of vitamins and minerals like zinc, magnesium and selenium, curd could be a great immunity booster.


A fruit great for digestive health, papaya is rich in calcium, fiber and other vitamins. It can boost immunity efficiently.

Coconut Water

With high content of lauric acid, coconut water can help in boosting immunity. It also has antibacterial and antifungal properties.


Apart from being a juicy fruit, mango is power packed with health benefits too. It is high in vitamin C and could boost immunity.

Bael Juice

Rich in several vitamins and minerals, bael juice could be a boon in summer. It can boost immunity and can also purify blood.


An excellent cooler for summers, cucumber has immunity boosting properties. It is also helpful in hair growth. 


Rich in antioxidants, tomatoes can boost immune system and battle harmful radicals. It is good for heart and eyes.


With a high content of vitamin C, vitamin D and fiber, oranges must have for immunity boosting.