By Tanisha Salwan
Sep 4, 2023
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Eggs are rich in protein, and they are one of the cheapest and easily available ingredients.
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As per experts, a spoonful of peanut butter can supply over 10 grams of protein.
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Milk, apart from calcium content, also has good amount of protein. Best part? It is easily available.
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Even though known for their slow carbs, oats also contain a good amount of protein.
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Perfect plant-based protein for vegans and vegetarians is soybeans. It is cheap and easily available.
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One of the commonly used Indian ingredients is paneer. It is rich in protein as well as other minerals.
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Peas are an excellent source of protein and is easily available in the market at cheap rates.
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Fish also comes under cheap protein sources. It also has other minerals and nutrients.
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Different lentils, legumes and beans have high protein content and thus, should be added to the diet.
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As per some studies, curd has higher content of protein as compared to milk.
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