10 Indian Litchi Varieties You Must Try This Summer

By Shreya Goswami

A red-coloured Indian summer fruit that packs a juicy, sweet and soft pulp, litchis or lychees are must haves. Here are some varities you should try.

Shahi Litchi

Available early in summers, these varieties are shaped like globes and are prone to cracking when ripe.

Rose-Scented Litchi

Popular in Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh, these aromatic litchi varieties are fleshy and sweet.

Mandraji Litchi

Available in the last week of May and first week of June, this variety is deep red in colour and delicious.

Purbi Litchi

Available in the third week of May, this litchi has a thick skin, red colour and soft, juicy pulp.

Bombai Litchi

Carmine in colour, this litchi variety has elongated seeds and the pulp is greyish-white, sweet and juicy.

Dehradun Litchi

Heart-shaped, rose pink in colour, this litchi variety has a greyish-white pulp that is soft and moderately juicy.

Early Seedless Litchi

Creamy white pulp that is juicy and sweet, very small seeds make this litchi variety absolutely delicious.

Gandaki Sampada Litchi

Originating in Pantnagar, available in late to mid-June, this one is carmine coloured with a soft and juicy pulp.

Gandaki Yogita Litchi

Originating in Ranchi, this litchi is available in July and has an aromatic, sweet pulp with a dash of tanginess.

Gandaki Lalima Litchi

Also from Ranchi, this late-maturing litchi has a white, creamy and sweet pulp and a long shelf life.