10 Hydration Tips To Beat Humidity & Lethargy This Monsoon

By Shreya Goswami

July 4, 2023

You might not feel thirsty during monsoon, but given the high humidity levels and sweating, your body certainly needs fluids. Otherwise, you are likely to feel slow and lethargic. Here are some hydration tips you need.

Set Reminders

Set hydration alarms on your phone to remind yourself to drink plenty of fluids to replenish the lost water due to sweating.

Include Cooling Foods

Consume foods that have a cooling effect on the body, such as cucumbers, watermelons, muskmelons, mint, and coriander.

Eat Light Meals

Instead of heavy and greasy meals, or even excess of monsoon snacks, opt for light and easily digestible options.

Increase Fruit Intake

Include a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables in your diet to get natural water into your system.

Consume Natural Diuretics

Foods like cucumber, watermelon, celery, and parsley act as natural diuretics, helping to flush out toxins.

Limit Spicy & Fried Foods

Spicy and oily foods can increase body heat and make you feel uncomfortable in humid weather.

Embrace Probiotics

Include probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, buttermilk, and fermented foods in your diet.

Avoid Sugary Drinks

Avoid sugary beverages, including sodas and packaged fruit juices, as they can dehydrate your body and lead to energy crashes.

Emphasize Herbal Infusions

Herb-infused beverages have a cooling effect on the body and help combat fatigue caused by humidity.

Balance Electrolytes

Replenish electrolytes by consuming foods like bananas, coconut water, and homemade lemonade with a pinch of salt.