10 Healthy Foods To Live A Longer And Better Life 

By Jasmine Kaur

If you’ve been worried about your ageing and want your life to be fit and healthy, fitness coach Neha Premjee shares some foods you should swear by. 


Consuming ginger in warm water before a meal can help aid digestion and prevent bloating or gas-related ailments. It helps to build immunity too.


Pick any lentil and it will be your daily dose of protein and fibre. It also contains folate that prevents damage to walls of arteries and improves heart health. 


A calming and soothing milk by-product that keeps the stomach cool in summers and aids digestion, mix yoghurt with water and drink up.


Want to include healthy fats in your diet? Start with the coconut meat then. Moreover, the water is rich in potassium and minerals too. 


The grandmother’s remedy of eating soaked almonds in the morning doesn’t go to waste as the Vitamin E present makes skin, hair, nails and memory better. 


This fibre-rich fruit is well-known for aiding digestion and bowel movements as well as helping those trying to lose weight. 


Low in calories and high in iron, protein, fibre and folate, the green leafy vegetable is known to be a good way to lose weight. 


Also known as Indian gooseberry, it not only improves hair growth and kidney health but is also good for building immunity and keeping cold, cough at bay.  


A great way to replenish energy post a heavy workout, a combination of rice and lentils (dal chawal) which is a staple meal in many Indian households, can be eaten. 


Not only does it stabilize blood pressure but also provides the body with beta carotene, magnesium and potassium. In fact the natural sugars present are good for you in moderation.