10 Healthy Foods To Add To Your Weight-Loss Diet

By Aanchal Mathur

From nutrient-dense leafy greens to fiber-rich whole grains, these foods will not only support your weight loss journey but also nourish your body and promote overall health. 


Quinoa is a super grain that is a complete protein. The high fiber in quinoa can help you feel fuller for longer, reducing the chances of overeating and leading to weight loss.  

Brown Rice

Brown rice is a nutritious whole grain which is high in fiber, which helps you feel full and satisfied, preventing overeating.  


Avocado is a nutrient-dense fruit that is high in healthy fats, which can help you feel fuller for longer, reducing the urge to snack between meals. Avocado is also rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 


Salmon is a protein-packed fish that is rich in healthy fats and omega-3 fatty acids. These essential nutrients can help you feel fuller for longer, reducing the chances of overeating. 


Berries are antioxidant powerhouses that can help you lose weight. They are low in calories and high in fiber, making them an excellent option for those trying to shed extra pounds.  


Spinach is a nutrient-dense leafy green that can help you lose weight. It is low in calories and high in fiber, making it an excellent addition to a weight loss diet.  

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are tiny yet packed with essential nutrients that can aid weight loss. They are a rich source of fiber that keeps you feeling full for longer periods. 


Broccoli is a vegetable packed with essential nutrients that can facilitate weight loss. It is low in calories, high in fiber, and an excellent option for shedding extra pounds.  


Lentils are a fiber-rich legume that can help you lose weight. They contain high levels of protein and fiber that keep you feeling fuller for longer, reducing the risk of overeating.  

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a nutritious root vegetable that can aid weight loss. They are high in fiber, low in calories, and an excellent option for those looking to lose weight.