10 Fruits And Vegetables That Actually Grow Underground!

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

September 16th, 2023

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Fruits and vegetables fall under different categories like turbers and creepers depending on how and where they grow. The ones that grow underground are rich in starch and antioxidants as the plant stores its nutrients under the ground. Food grown underground is also rich in carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals. Here are 10 fruits and vegetables that grow underground.

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The only fruit that grows underground but it makes up for its solo presence by being a versatile ingredient in many dishes.

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All colored ones including red, orange, pink and more. They're a rich source of Vitamin A, very healthy for the eyes.

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You can eat its top greenery in a salad, and the roots are a good source of vitamin C.

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Potatoes are tubers, a kind of stem that grows underground. Sweet potatoes are also tubers with fleshy orange meat. They have proteins, vitamin C and other nutrients and have a high-starch content.

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Radishes are a quick-and-easy salad vegetable, appearing in both tubular and round forms.

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They are bulb-shaped root vegetables that mature in 28 to 100 days. They are often served boiled or steamed.

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Talk about multi utility and onions will be there. Onion has many health benefits. You can also add onion to salads, casseroles, soups, eggs, rice, and pasta dishes Besides the bulbous onion root, leaves or scallions are also edible and used in many cuisines.

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Ginger possesses many medicinal properties and is a natural antidote for sore throat, nausea, and some stomach ailments. It’s used to impart flavors to many dishes, especially when it comes to Indian cuisines

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Garlic has innumerate health benefits and is often cooked with other vegetables to impart flavor. It gives intense flavor and is usually added with ginger.

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Taro is a root vegetable with a mild and nutty flavor. It has a lot of fiber and improves digestive functions and aids in weight loss. Taro root is cooked as a vegetable or made into puddings and bread.

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