10 Foods To Avoid Before Bedtime For A Restful Night

By Vidushi Singh

July 22, 2023

Improve sleep by avoiding these foods. Opt for lighter, hydrating, and soothing alternatives for a restful night.

1. Caffeine & Energy Drinks

Avoid before bed due to their stimulating effects. Choose decaf tea or warm milk instead.

2. Spicy Foods

Cause heartburn and indigestion, hindering sleep. Opt for mild dishes like grilled chicken or roasted veggies.

3. Fatty & Greasy Foods

Slow digestion, leading to discomfort & acid reflux. Pick lean proteins & steamed vegetables.

4. High-Sugar Desserts

Spike blood sugar levels, disrupt sleep. Try berries or dark chocolate for a moderate sweet fix.

5. Alcohol

Disrupts sleep cycles, affects sleep quality. Consider chamomile tea or warm water with lemon for relaxation.

6. Carbonated Drinks

Cause bloating, discomfort. Choose still water or herbal infusions for hydration before bed.

7. High-Protein Foods

Delay digestion, disturb sleep. Opt for lighter proteins like Greek yogurt or a handful of nuts.

8. Citrus Fruits

Acidic, cause heartburn & reflux. Try non-acidic fruits like bananas or apples for a refreshing snack.

9. Heavy, Creamy Foods

Lead to digestive discomfort & reflux. Enjoy low-fat yogurt or fruit smoothies instead.

10. High-Sodium Foods

Cause dehydration, disrupt fluid balance. Choose low-sodium options like unsalted nuts or crackers.